Of these spiritual prerequisites of success, which constitute the bedrock on which the security of all teaching plans, Temple projects, and financial schemes, must ultimately rest, the following stand out as preeminent and vital, which the members of the American Bahá’í community will do well to ponder. Upon the extent to which these basic requirements are met, and the manner in which the American believers fulfill them in their individual lives, administrative activities, and social relationships, must depend the measure of the manifold blessings which the All-Bountiful Possessor can vouchsafe to them all. These requirements are none other than
- a high sense of moral rectitude in their social and administrative activities,
- absolute chastity in their individual lives,
- and complete freedom from prejudice in their dealings with peoples of a different race, class, creed, or color.
- Shoghi Effendi (‘The Advent of Divine Justice’)