December 9, 2024

1938: “tasks” undertaken by the North American Baha’i community with “with marvelous promptitude, fidelity, and vigor”

  • The virtual establishment of the Administrative Order of their Faith, 
    • the erection of its framework, 
    • the fashioning of its instruments, 
    • and the consolidation of its subsidiary institutions, 
was the first task committed to their charge, as an organized community called into being by the Will, and under the instructions, of ‘Abdu’l Bahá. Of this initial task they have acquitted themselves with marvelous promptitude, fidelity, and vigor. 

  • No sooner had they created and correlated the various and necessary agencies for the efficient conduct of any policy they might subsequently wish to initiate, than they addressed themselves, with equal zest and consecration, to the next more arduous task of erecting the superstructure of an edifice the cornerstone of which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself had laid. 
  • And when that feat was achieved, this community, alive to the passionate pleas, exhortations, and promises recorded in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, resolved to undertake yet another task, which in its scope and spiritual potentialities is sure to outshine any of the works they have already accomplished. Launching with unquenchable enthusiasm and dauntless courage the Seven Year Plan, as the first and practical step towards the fulfillment of the mission prescribed in those epoch-making Tablets, they entered, with a spirit of renewed consecration, upon their dual task, the consummation of which, it is hoped, will synchronize with the celebration of the centenary of the birth of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. 

Well aware that every advance made in the external ornamentation of their majestic edifice would directly react on the progress of the teaching campaign initiated by them in both the northern and southern American continents, and realizing that every victory gained in the teaching field would, in its turn, facilitate the work, and hasten the completion, of their Temple, they are now pressing on, with courage and faith, in their efforts to discharge, in both of its phases, their obligations under the Plan they have dedicated themselves to execute. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (‘The Advent of Divine Justice’)